Seek His Comfort

Can I tell you a truth that might sting?

Not everyone can or needs to comfort you in times of distress.

In Jeremiah 27, the Lord sends a message to the people of Israel during their 70-year exile. You can only imagine how difficult it was for them in an unfamiliar place, heartbroken and hopeless. Amidst the Lord’s encouragement He gives a special piece of instruction. Verse eight says, “do not listen to your false prophets, fortune-tellers, interpreters of dreams, mediums, and sorcerers who say, the king of Babylon will not conquer you.” What was the Lord saying? Those people in your community are attempting to comfort you with false hope. The lie they are pushing sounds good but it’s not from Me.

The Lord already told the Israelites they would be taken captive by the King of Babylon, he would conquer them for a long time. There was no way around it. Their only hope was to cling to the Lord’s words for salvation.

This tendency mirrors our own when we find ourselves in tough situations. We run to friends and coworkers (maybe even horoscopes or social media) who have a soft, sweet word to coddle us. It’s natural to want someone to help us carry the burden of a difficult season, but be careful. Don’t allow your feelings to drive you to get comfort from just anyone because it sounds good, even from the people around you.

True comfort in times of distress comes from the Lord. The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). He brings renewed hope and joy when we are filled with worry (Psalm 94:19). He knows our thoughts from a far off and brings the truth, in love, we need to carry us farther than greeting card quotes and false truths. Am I saying to abandon wisdom from parents or trusted friends or elders in your church? No. I am encouraging you to be discerning and to filter every word you hear. Cast your heart before Him and allow Him to be your first place of refuge and not a last resort. By seeking the Lord’s comfort first, you’ll find the strength and hope you need to navigate any difficulty.



He knows what’s best for you.


He Loves You.