He Loves You.

Our God’s love for us has no boundary — no width or length or height or depth (Ephesians 3:18 - 19). Because of this great love, we cannot fully understand all the good He has planned for us. There is so much hope and abundance intricately woven into our story that we should never strive to live by our own strength and understanding. Though God empowers us to work out our salvation (2 Peter 1:3), in light of His sovereignty, His direction is the only anchor we should lean on. Yes, it’s unsettling and yes, it makes us feel out of control, but that’s the point. We are to chase after a life that consistently draws from the Source, especially when our view of the future is about a minute long.

But why should we rely so heavily on Him?

Because our imperfection demands it. Consider the number of times you’ve grown impatient with the woman holding up the line at Starbucks when you were running late for work. Or, think about the time you hastily signed a job contract you thought would grant you peace. Or, think about that guy you gave your time to because “there was just something about him”.

The point I’m trying to make is that in the grand scheme, we really have no idea what we’re doing. We cannot see five years into the future, let alone what our tomorrow will bring. We can only see today and whatever anxieties and concerns it brings along (Matthew 6:34). Your only option is to trust in the One who created you. You need Him, the One who does not lie (Numbers 23:19) or change (James 1:17), to carry you through this life.

It’s time to start believing in Him, because He wants the best for you. Remove the excuses you have tacked to your mind that stand in the way of you knowing Him. Your life will never be the same when your life is anchored in the character of God.

My prayer is that your roots grow down deep into His love so that you come to know Him as a loving Father and friend. I pray that all fear planted by the enemy gives way to power and a sound mind. May today be the day you walk boldly into your future knowing He is there every step of the way.


Seek His Comfort


26 Reflections for 26