For Those Struggling With Transition.

Transition can be difficult. Changing familiar routines and habits in pursuit of something new is uncomfortable. Transition may look like a new job or a new friendship, moving away from home or going back to school. Each time we are called to something different, a multitude of emotions follow behind, tempting us to return to a place of comfort.

You may feel your excitement transform into anxiety at a new job that requires more effort and intention to become proficient.

When you finally separate from an unhealthy relationship, loneliness creeps in each time you tap your phone and see the only notification is from Google.

Or maybe you’re getting married and the idea of submitting your will to honor Christ in covenant sits like a rock in the pit of your stomach.

The enemy’s job is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). His job is to warp seasons of transition so that negative emotions exalt themselves above your capacity to embrace what God is doing. To get ahead of his schemes you’ll need a few things…

  1. A word to anchor you. When things are changing, the hope we have in His word will anchor us (Hebrews 9:18 - 19). His word is a safe place, ready to catch us when transition makes us weak.

  2. A community. Find two or three people that see you. During transition it’s easy to dissolve into isolation, but a few real friends make the journey lighter (Proverbs 18: 24). 

  3. Something familiar. A comfort show, a date with a friend, a hot shower and an early bedtime. It’s okay to have a few familiar things that allow you to come up for air as you adjust in transition.

If God is doing a new thing in your life, know that He will make the path and clear the way (Isaiah 43:19). Don’t unravel. Keep pressing until you find your footing and His glory shines. I’m rooting for you!


26 Reflections for 26


A Note on Prayer…